22 Feb This Love
Who or What is King of Your Heart?
God had me ask this question first to myself and then to a women’s group of Church of Eleven 22 last night. It is important to ask ourselves this question sometimes. It points to the things that sometimes stand in front of more awareness of our Kings love for us. It helps us steer our hearts back to the place of abundant love from our Father in heaven.
The Holy Spirit had me change entirely what I was going to share and it started with the above question and then this call to a daily relationship with love himself:
What if there is this relationship that has endless pursuit of your heart and it is a breathe away?
This type of love doesn’t shy away from the ugliness in our hearts.
This love is so specific and attentive big and small how he loves.
This love is vigilant for our affection and love in return.
This love transforms us and is the truest love there is.
This love fills our cracks, (heart and soul) and makes us whole. It rushes in like a powerful waterfall.
This love brings quench to our thirst and revives the dry places in our hearts.
This love gives us belonging.
He heals our wounds from the enemies attacks.
He gives us strength and courage when we have none.
This love grows our knowledge and wisdom of his ways.
This love is poured out into our hearts as we get to know the Holy Spirit.
His love is an endless overflow, so we can then extend and share his love expecting nothing in return.
Because we already know who Love Is, our Heavenly Father. The King of our hearts.